Chancellor's Message
The School of the Great Commission Bible College & Seminary is a family centered educational ministry that is designed to help kingdom builders build God's Kingdom. As you review our website and consider enrolling, we pray that you will follow your inner spirit and join our family. We strive to assist our students to grow in ministry and develop those skills that each of them possess. We are totally committed to enhancing the Kingdom of God. Students that enroll in our school are served by dedicated faculty and staff during and beyond their academic journey. Blessings to you and we pray that you join the family of Kingdom Builders, building the Kingdom of God.
Dr. Winford Thompson
Dr. Winford Thompson | Chancellor
About SOGC
The School of the Great Commission – Bible College was designed to provide Christian-based education to individuals both near and abroad. All faculty are following their calling which lands them in this career path as leaders serving the community. All instructors have obtained a doctoral degree and are equipped to mentor, guide and direct students.
Statement of Credentials
The School of the Great Commission was chartered by the State of South Carolina in 2003 as a Non-Profit Organization and in 2004 as a Post-Secondary Religious Institutions under Code 59.58.30 of the Nonpublic Post-Secondary Religious Institutions Act of Title 59. Under the leadership of Founder and Chancellor, Rev. Dr. Winford Thompson, the School received exemptions from the South Carolina Commission on Higher Education to operate as a Bible School. The purpose of the school is designed to offer educational training in the areas of Theology, Ministry, Divinity and Biblical Matters. It is approved to offer earned Certificates, Associates, Bachelors and Master’s degrees in Biblical Studies. The school is also qualified to offer Doctorate degrees in Biblical Studies. In addition, we are authorized to offer and present, Honorary Doctorate Degrees. The school is headquartered in South Carolina and is authorized to operate World-Wide in Religious Studies.
Under the leadership of our Board of Trustees and Chancellor, the school has obtained Accreditation from the American Accrediting Association of Theological Institutions, the International Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education and Chaplaincy Training Institute. The School holds licensing memberships in the National Christian Counselors Association. The School is also a Chartered/Founding Member of the National Association of Bible Colleges/Schools of Theology. In 2014, the School partnered with the International Bible Institute and has member organizations in several foreign countries.